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About Co-Founder

Eric Huang

My name is Eric and I'm currently an A level student at Abingdon school, studying Economics, Maths and German! I'm very passionate about Business Management, Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Web/Graphic design which has lead me to some extremely exciting projects these past two years. One of these projects for example, is an admissions tutoring company called Kensington Tuition (www.kensingtontuition.com) which I started with some of my friends from my old school Summerfields, that has done over £45,000 in revenue so far. The other project is Studydojo (www.studydojo.com) an online resource-sharing, tutoring and educational platform Aryann and I have also been working on together since June. In my extra time I like to play chess, tennis, badminton and also take online courses to learn as much as I can! A course that I just finished, is the LSE Real Estate Economics & Finance (8 week) CPD certified course, and I am currently attending the KCL summer Business & Management course, both of which I would highly recommend.

About Co-Founder

Aryann Gupta

I'm Aryann and I am doing Economics, History, Politics, Maths and Further Maths as my A-Level subjects at Abingdon. My main area of interest is development economics. This is mainly driven by my upbringing in Gabon (a country in Central Africa). This summer I took AEM 2350 from Cornell which has thoroughly informed me on the theoretical framework underlying development economics. I now hope to learn more about the practical aspect, and all the moving cogs and gears in the development landscape. I have also been very involved in the crypto space since June of last year, and have since gotten involved as a liquidity provider on Uniswap and as a miner, helping to secure the network. I aspire to be able to combine by knowledge and experience in the crypto field with my passion for development economics to help raise the quality of life in Gabon and across Africa. I am already exploring this with a stealth Fintech startup. I am equally extremely interested in the financial markets. I am the President of the Abingdon Investment and Trading Club (AITC) which is a club that brings students together who share similar interests.

Distributing interesting talks to schools and universities.

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